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Activity Cost Estimates | Excel Template FREE

by | reviewed 06/02/2022
Activity Cost Estimating Template in Excel. This PMBOK template includes labor, physical and reserve costs. It also provides a basis and method for estimates, range and confidence level.

The template is fully editable with Excel and can be converted or changed to suit your project requirements. The contents of the template is shown below.
Activity cost estimate excel template

The contents of the Activity Cost Template

Document information
Enter the:
  • Project name
  • Project manager
  • Project ID
  • Project sponsor
  • Date prepared
  • Date of last update
Enter the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ID of the activity. This could also be an activity ID from the project schedule. The key is that it is the unique identifier for the activity that is being estimated.
The person, equipment or material that is needed for this activity. For example, 1 tonne of sand or 1 level 5 Technical Architect.
Labor costs
Enter your estimation of any labor costs.
Physical costs
Enter your estimation of any physical costs. For example the cost of 1 tonne of sand.
If there is a reserve fund set aside enter it here.
Total estimate
This is the total of the labour, physical and reserve estimates.
Basis of estimates
Log the basis of the estimate for example, the unit cost, hourly rate, cost per square metre etc.
Note how the cost was estimated for example analogous, parametric, three-point estimation, expert opinion etc.
Assumptions constraints
Document whether anything was assumed to be true when making the estimate for example, that resources would be available or that unit price would remain fixed.
Here show the expected range in which the actual costs could fall. For example, actual costs maybe between 20 percent lower to 30 percent higher than the estimate.
Confidence level
Give the level of confidence that you have in the estimate. For example, 70 percent confidence.

Download the template!

Excel 97 - 2003 download - Activity Cost Estimating Template (.xls)

Excel download - Activity Cost Estimating Template (.xlsx)

OpenDocument Spreadsheet download - Activity Costs Estimating Template (.ods)

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