A - acceptance critera to Agilometer | B - backlog to business case | C - change authority to customer subject matter expert | D - definition of 'done' to Dynamic Systems Development Method | E - early adopter to experiment | F - G - feature to Glad! Sad! Mad! | H - I - higlight report to issue | K - Kaizen to Kano | L - lead time to Little's Law | M - manage by exception to MoSCoW | P - Plan-Do-Check-Act to push system | Q - quality assurance to quality tolerance | R - RACI to risk register | S - SAFe to supplier subject matter expert | T - team dynamics to transparency | U - V - user story to visioning | W - Waterfall method to workshop
T - team dynamics to transparency
team dynamics
The interpersonal interactions between the individuals on a team. This relates to the culture and attitudes of the people in the team and needs to be managed carefully as it can be a very positive and powerful force when it is working well, but it can be destructive when it breaks down.
team manager
The person responsible for the production of those products allocated by the project manager (as defined in a work package) to an appropriate quality, timescale and at a cost acceptable to the Project Board. This role reports to, and takes direction from, the project manager. If a team manager is not assigned, then the project manager undertakes the responsibilities of the team manager role.
test driven
The concept of writing tests or quality checks before building the product or sub-product as opposed to after.
A finite period of time where work is carried out to achieve a goal or meet an objective. The deadline should not be moved, as the method of managing a timebox is to prioritize the work inside it. At a low level a timebox will be a matter of days or weeks (e.g. a sprint). Higher-level timeboxes act as aggregated timeboxes and contain lower-level timeboxes (e.g. stages).
trading (or swapping)
The act of handling change by replacing one or more requirements (or features or user stories) with others of a similar size in terms of effort.
A fundamental agile behaviour which involves making as many things visible as possible in order to help the way people work. This can involve displaying progress on a wall or the frequent delivery of products.
Importantly, transparency also covers areas such as openness and honesty.
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