Flowchart - list of steps
OriginatorDecision points
- Does budget line exist?
- Is supplier on SAP list?
- Should supplier be pre-qualified?
- Is supplier on PO system?
- Pass details to Purchasing Manager
- Get BACS details, complete new supplier form
- Send approval form to accounting center
- Create Purchase Order (PO), print and pass to Project Manager
- PO status to approved
- Send PO to supplier
Decisions points
- Is this legitimate spend?
- Valid expenditure?
- Project Manager to resolve - via change control or reject
- Reject spend notify purchaser
- Authorise New Supplier Account Request
- Reject PO (if not valid)
- Approve PO and pass to sign-off authority (if valid)
Decision points
- Is the expenditure valid?
- Reject or approve the Purchase Order
No decision points
- Add supplier to database