- Change the project logic
- Level resources
- Add procurement
Video - Resolving resource scheduling issues
Video transcript
Welcome - Resolving resource scheduling issuesThe skill in project planning comes in balancing two key factors: time and resource.
This simple example illustrates a common challenge.
Let’s say that you are laying a new garden wall.
You are going to use reclaimed bricks, which require cleaning and you need to lay a foundation. You will start on Monday 16 July and you want to complete the wall by Wednesday 18 July in time for your barbecue.
The dependencies are:[image]
If we put this in Microsoft Project we can immediately see a resourcing problem
Select the View menu > Select the Resource Usage menu
To finish the wall by Wednesday 18 July I have to work two 12 hour days! How could you resolve this scheduling issue?
Change the project logic
Change the predecessor for Lay foundation so that it can only start after the bricks are preparedSelect the Resource Usage menu
The resourcing issue is solved, but the wall won't be finished in time for the BBQ You could move the date of your BBQ, but if that isn't possible what else could you try?
NOTE: Microsoft Project has a function to automatically 'level' resources. This process smooths out workload across the project.
What else could you try?
Level resources
Select the Tools menu[Level resources selected][Level now button clicked]
Project has split the task Lay foundation
I no longer have to work 12 hour days, but the project still can't finish on time
Microsoft Project assumes that Laying the foundation can be split into two. In reality this might not be appropriate.
Add resource or change resource
[subcontractor added to resource for Lay foundation] Select the View menuThe subcontractor isn't over allocated
I am not overallocated
The work can be finished in time for the BBQ.
End video
Scheduling problems - references
Read more guides on using Microsoft Project
- Project Calendars - Non-working time - enter UK holidays into Microsoft Project calendars
- Constraints part 1 - How to use Microsoft Project constraints
- Constraints part 2 - Common mistakes in using constraints
- Create constraints - How to create project constraints
- Critical Path - Viewing the Critical Path - video tutorial
- Filters - How to filter your plan by certain tasks or resources
- Filters - How to create a custom filter in Microsoft Project
- Highlight tasks - This step by step guide shows how to highlight particular tasks in Microsoft Project.
- Hyperlinks - How to create hyperlinks in Microsoft Project
- Outlook tasks - How to import Outlook tasks into Microsoft Project
- How to create a PDF of your project plan - Microsoft Project 2010 to pdf
- Scheduling problems - How to resolve a common scheduling problems in Microsoft Project
- Why you should avoid linking summary tasks
Recommended reading on Microsoft Project
Marmel, E. (2010). Project 2010 Bible, John Wiley & SonsDaley, S. (2013). Project 2013 In Depth, Que.