A - B - Aggregated risk to Business Operational Stability | C - I - Capability to Issue Resolution Strategy | L - P - Leadership to Proximity | Q - R - Quality to Role | S - V - Senior Responsible Owner to Vision Statement | MSP Acronyms
Definitions from C - Capability to I - Issue Resolution Strategy
A service, function or operation that enables an organization to exploit opportunities.
Change Agent
Change Manager
Reports to the Business Change Manager (BCM) and may operate at a project level to support benefits realisation, namely focus on the realisation of a particular benefit.
Change team
A group of specialists appointed to support a Business Change Manager in the Business Change Management aspects of benefits realisation.
Corporate governance
The ongoing activity of maintaining a sound system of internal control by which the directors and officers of an organization ensure that effective management systems, including financial monitoring and control systems, have been put in place to protect assets, earning capacity, and the reputation of the organization.
Configuration management
Technical and administrative activities concerned with the creation, maintenance and controlled change of configuration throughout the life of a product.
Corporate portfolio
The totality of the change initiatives within an organization; it may comprise a number of programmes, standalone projects and other initiatives that achieve congruence of change.
Cross-organisational programme
dependency network
A representation of all the inputs and outputs from the projects and how they interrelate, treating each project as a 'black box'.
Emergent programme
A programme that subsumes one or more pre-existing projects into a coherent alignment with corporate policy and strategy.
End goal
The ultimate objective of a programme.
Feedback log
A document that is used to capture, track and ensure all stakeholder feedback is dealt with.
Gateway review
An independent assurance review that occurs at a key decision point within the lifecycle of a programme or project.
The functions, responsibilities, processes and procedures that define how a programme is set up, managed and controlled.
A relevant event that has happened, was not planned and requires management action. Could be a problem, query, concern, change request or risk that has occurred.
Issue Log
The log of all issues raised during the programme.
Issue Resolution Strategy
How the programme will handle issue resolution.
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