A - B - Aggregated risk to Business Operational Stability | C - I - Capability to Issue Resolution Strategy | L - P - Leadership to Proximity | Q - R - Quality to Role | S - V - Senior Responsible Owner to Vision Statement | MSP Acronyms
Definitions from S - Senior Responsible Owner to V - Vision Statement
Senior Responsible Owner
The main driving force behind a programme or project.
Sponsoring Group
Any individual, group or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by, a programme.
Read more on Stakeholders and how to identify them.
Get a list of Stakeholders that you might have in a project or initiative.
Read more on Stakeholders and how to identify them.
Get a list of Stakeholders that you might have in a project or initiative.
Stakeholder Management Strategy
How the programme will identify and analyze the Stakeholders and how ongoing communications will be achieved between the programme and all its Stakeholders.
Stakeholder Map
A matrix showing Stakeholders and their particular interests in the programme. Also known as Stakeholder Interests Map.
Approach or line to take, designed to achieve a long-term aim. Strategies can exist at different levels in an organization – in MSP there are corporate strategies for achieving objectives that will give rise to programmes. Programmes then develop strategies aligned with these corporate objectives against particular delivery areas.
An uncertain event which could have a negative impact on objectives or benefits.
A group of projects structured around distinct step changes in capability and benefit delivery.
A distinct change to the way an organization conducts all or part of its business.
value management
A management technique to define the perceived and actual value to the organization, and then assessing progress and achievements based on this value.
Vision Statement
An outward-facing description of the new capabilities resulting from programme delivery.
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