- Launch - selection of the processes, stakeholder analysis, preparation and planning for the project.
- Design - modelling of the as-is processes, measure performance baseline, identify quick wins. See example BPM models.
- Innovate or Modelling - modelling of the to-be processes, updated business case, detailed plan for future phase, initial organisational change strategy.
- Develop or Execution - identfication and configuration of hardware and software required for to-be processes, integration specifications and test scripts.
- Implement phase - rollout out new business process model (bpm), marketing, staff training and user acceptance testing. See example Business Process models
- Realise Value & Monitor phase - Benefits delivery and tracking of progress against towards meeting to-be KPIs, communicate benefits.

BPM - wbs structure text version
Launch the Project
Complete Stakeholder Research
Stakeholder Interviews
Stakeholder Analysis
Initial Implementation Plan
Processes selected
Project Management documentation
Project Charter
Project Scope definition
Initial project plan
Initial Risk Analysis
Initial communication strategy
KPI & metrics selected
Initial Business Case
Design Phase
Models of As-Is Processes completed
Measure As is performance metrics
Identify quick wins
Document what works well
Complete Innovate phase or Modelling phase
Stakeholder communication plan
Detailed project plan for Execution phase
Initial Organisational change strategy
Updated business case
Cost benefit analysis for implementing the To-Be processes
SMT presentation with recommendations
Redesigned process models
Create process models
Document new process models
Process Gap Analysis
Capacity planning information
Validate new processes
Confirm process meets stakeholder expectations
Confirm models meet strategy and to-be metrics
Quality check models against BPMN 2.0
Develop or Execution phase
Develop high-level overview of the solution
Integrations specified, test scripts written
Finalised software documentation
Software specification/design
Software configuration
Software test scripts
FREE Test Case Template
Hardware documentation
Hardware specification
Hardware availability
Hardware test scripts & results
Implement phase
Staff training
User Acceptance Testing
Rollout new business process model (BPM)
Rollout plans back-out & contingency plans
Roll-out changes
Monitor & adjust
Realise Value & monitor phase
Communicate benefits
Benefits delivery & tracking
Snapshot KPIs & metrics for comparative baseline
Monitor KPIs & metrics for benefits analysis
Delivery activities in benefits summary plan
Benefits documentation
Benefits milestone network matrix
Benefits delivery matrix
Benefits Realisation register