S - Scale of Risk to Z - Zero-based Cost Centre
This is an A-Z glossary of terms, for Project Offices. P3O Project Office model provides a decision enabling and delivery support structure for leading change within an organization.View the Agile Dictionary. Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) Dictionary. Full ITIL glossary of terms. See also Project Management Dictionary and Risk Management Dictionary.A - E - Aggregated Risk to Expert Reference Group | F - O - Full-time Equivalent (FTE) to organization Portfolio Office
| P - R - P3M3 to Risk potential assessment (RPA) | S - Z - Scale of risk to Zero-based Cost Centre
Scale of risk
A standard technique for estimating the probability and impact of a risk across an organization, portfolio, programme or project. This may be provided as part of a risk management standard (external) or a Risk Management Strategy or Policy.
Senior Responsible Owner (SRO)
The single individual with overall responsibility for ensuring that a project or programme meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits.
A method for documenting business process flows that separates each process step into a row (or lane) of accountability for individual roles or groups.
Acronym for 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats'. An analysis technique to determine favourable and unfavourable factors in relation to business change or current state.
A classification of things, or the principles underlying such a classification. The term may be applied to relationship schemes such as parent–child hierarchies and network structures. A taxonomy might also be a simple organization of kinds of things into groups, or even an alphabetical list.
Zero-based Cost Centre
Similar to a cost centre, except that the division, business unit or part of the organization cross-charges other parts of the organization for some or all of its services or activities to achieve a spend of zero when its costs and income from cross-charging are added up.
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