Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Describes the role in a commercial organization with the highest level of authority for the total management of the business. The CEO is responsible for leading the operations and resources of a business. Often they are supported by other corporate executives like the Corporate Operations Officer (COO) and Corporate Technology Offier (CTO) 'the C suite'.
Describes the role in a commercial organization with the highest level of authority for the total management of the business. The CEO is responsible for leading the operations and resources of a business. Often they are supported by other corporate executives like the Corporate Operations Officer (COO) and Corporate Technology Offier (CTO) 'the C suite'.
See all project management words
Methodology specific dictionaries / glossaries
- View the Agile Dictionary
- Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) Dictionary
- Prince 2 glossary of terms
- Full ITIL glossary of terms
- See also Risk Management Dictionary.