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Project Management Dictionaries
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Project Management Dictionary of Terms

by | reviewed 2023-08-19
This glossary covers all common project management terminology.
A - Acceptance Criteria to Authority | B - Backward Pass to Business Process Manager (BPM) | C - Change to Customer | D - Decision Tree Analysis to Duration | E - Early Finish Date to Event | F - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis to Functional organization | G - Gantt Chart to guidelines | H - Hammock task to Hyperlink | I - i-j notation to ITIL | J - Job Description to Just-In-Time | K - Kaizen to Knowledge | L - Labor, Equipment, Material to Logical Relationship | M - Manage Project Team to Monte Carlo Analysis | N - Near-Critical Activity to Node | O - Operations to Output | P - parametric to Projectized Organization | Q - Qualitative Risk Analysis to Quantitative Risk Analysis | R - Records Management to Root Cause Analysis | S - Saved Search to System | T - Target Completion Date to Triple Constraint | U - Uncontrollable Risks to User Group | V - Validation to Voice of the Customer | W to Z - War Room to Zero Float

G - Gantt Chart to guidelines

Gantt Chart

A chart using timelines and other symbols that illustrate multiple time- based activities or projects on a horizontal time scale. Also referred to as a bar chart. Activities are listed, with other tabular information, on the left side. Activity durations are shown in the form of horizontal bars. Invented by Henry Gantt.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

A collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.


The authorisation, control and oversight of the policy and affairs of an organization, this includes strategic initiatives, Projects,and Programs.

Governance Model

The approved processes and procedures and roles and responsibilities for governing the direction and progress of a Project or Program.

Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique ("GERT")

A network analysis technique that is more flexible than PERT and CPM in that it allows for feedback loops, multiple outcomes and repeat events in logical relationships.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A Graphical User Interface provides a way of interacting with a computer using visual clues such as windows, icons, and menus, rather than text comand. GUI's are used by most modern operating systems.

Green-field Project

A project is a new project, that is not constrained by previous work. In other words, it is not building on, or modifying anything existing.

Guaranteed Maximum Price

A form of contract in which cost may vary, but may not go beyond an agreed maximum total.


Giving advice, counselling, leadership or direction to assist a person or group.


Usually an agreed or recommended way working to achieve a goal. Guidelines tend not to be mandatory, and often reflect best practice derived from experience or expert input. Guidelines are often documented, for example in project management a company my have series of guidelines on starting a project.

Methodology specific dictionaries / glossaries