Scope Creep is the adding of features and functionality (project scope) without addressing the effects on time, costs, and resources, or without customer approval. (PMI, 2008, p 440).
Project Managers battle with scope creep throughout the project lifecycle. Requests for changes in scope can come from anyone involved in the project including from within the project team (it can be exciting to tweak and add features). Scope Creep is so ubiqituous that it should be included on every risk register see risk register of common project risks..
Remember that scope creep is adding unauthorised features so the risk can be mitigated by documenting each and every example of scope creep NO MATTER HOW SMALL in a change request and getting authorisation from the Project Board BEFORE STARTING WORK. This includes ZERO COST changes.
Download a Scope Management Plan Template [FREE]
Download a Scope Statement Template [FREE]
See also
See all project management words
Methodology specific dictionaries / glossaries
- View the Agile Dictionary
- Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) Dictionary
- Prince 2 glossary of terms
- Full ITIL glossary of terms
- See also Risk Management Dictionary.
Acknowledgements and references
The image captioned "Scope Creep Definition" in this article, uses artwork provided by Harned, Brett, 2017, New York: Rosenfeld Media. The artwork is available at The image is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) license Management Institute. (2008). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide)— Fourth Edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.