Drawing of Stakeholder map

Project Management Templates | FREE Downloads Word, Excel, PDF, Visio

  • Concise, focused guide that cuts through the clutter
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating a project plan in under a day
  • Master essential skills like work breakdowns and task sequencing
  • Real-world troubleshooting for 20 common scheduling challenges
  • Rapidly get up to speed if you're new to Microsoft Project
  • Includes glossary, support resources, and sample plans
The cover of the book 'Essential Microsoft Project: The 20% You Need to Know'

Example Schedule for Construction Repair works

by | reviewed 2023-08-22
This schedule is an example of a construction project to maintain and survey steam ducts across a university campus. This Microsoft Project covers 57 tasks across the whole project lifecycle. You can download it for FREE here.
detail snapshot of construction repair works to a steam duct project

About this construction project

As part of ongoing infrastructure maintenance, the steam ducts were identified as an area that required asbestos removal as well as maintenance and survey work.

This meant a series of high risk specialised activities, distributed across the campus that would need to be undertaken within a restricted period of time. The work included:

  • Asbestos removal and environmental cleans to the steam ducts as well as plant rooms.
  • Installation of steam duct seals separating dirty and clean spaces
  • Insulation of steam main pipework and any other pipework and plant identified as part of the planning process.
  • Steam mains and condensate valve installation.
  • Manhole construction
  • Potentially additional sump pumps and associated electrical works.
  • Non destructive testing on pipework.
  • Temporary electrical supplies and water supplies etc

It is important to note that this plan has not gone through any resource levelling. This is deliberate as every project is unique and before you level the plan you will need to configure it for your project for example: adding tasks, changing resource allocation, and adjusting task predecessors and successors. The User Guide explains how to configure your plan.

Using this template with Microsoft Project online

These templates work with Microsoft Project's cloud solution - Project Online. Simply click New project and select Import.

Tailoring your template for your project

Warning - you need to tailor these plans to your project. The user guide in the zip file with your plan, explains how to add, remove and edit tasks and takes you through the things you need to check step-by-step.

Download your plan

PDF download - Construction Manager led Project Plan (PDF)

List of tasks

Steam Duct Project
Project Mandate completed
Project Definition
Complete Programme
Communications plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Document Steam Duct work completed to date
Hold specification meetings
Develop project management deliverables
Building Elements Checklist
Business Case and Project Brief
Project Plan and Generic Cost Plan
Project Drawings
Any major Change Requests and Risk Log
Project Services, Client Approvals
Develop End Stage Report
Submit End Stage Report
Review End Stage Report
Project Detailed Design & Tender
Tender for main Asbestos removal and insulation
Develop Tender documents
Tenders returned
Tenders evaluated
Develop work split between contractors
Select contractors
Enabling works Design & Tender
Full Mechanical Design for gas works (if required)
Develop Asbestos removal scope for enabling works (if required)
Develop scope for sealing off all Plant Rooms from the Steam Ducts
Develop scope for new valve installation
Develop scope for manhole works
Review Design and Specification
Develop tender
Tenders returned
Tenders evaluated
Review stage deliverables and develop End Stage Report
Submit End Stage Report
Review End Stage Report
Approval to proceed to construction
Appoint contractors
Construction (stage 4)
Contractor mobilisation
Heat switched off
Asbestos removal/clean to all areas
Certify as clean all areas
Carry out Non-Destructive Testing
Re-insulation all areas
Isolation valve installation
New manhole installation
Preparation starts for heating to be switched on
Post Project (stage 5)
Deliverables in line with Process Map and Small Works Manual
Submit End Stage Report
Review End Stage Report
Approval to close the project