Drawing of Stakeholder map

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Lessons Learned Log | Excel Template FREE Download

by | reviewed 01/02/2021
FREE Lessons Learned Template in Excel. Download this free template and use it on your project today.
During a project the team should document the lessons they have learned whether positive or negative. For example a note that a task took longer than estimated or that new process reduced costs. stakeholdermap.com
The oompleted log will help other project teams and can be added to an organization wide knowledge base.
This is a FREE Lesson Learned Template in Excel and PDF. The template is fully editable with Excel and can be edited to suit your requirements. See what is in the Template! Check out the a contents.

Check out the contents below or Grab the template now!

The contents of the Lessons Learned Template

Project name

The title or name of the project.

Project number

Your organization's unique ID or reference number for the project.

Project manager

The name of the person who will be managing the project.

Project sponsor

The ultimate owner of the success or failure of the project. The ultimate decision maker.

Lesson ID

The unique number of ID for each lesson.

Date raised

The date the lesson was identified.

Event (what happened)

A clear and detailed description of what happened. We tend to assume that the lessons learned on a project will be negative. However, they can also be positive, for example a new idea or process that worked well.

Lesson category

The category: Positive or Negative.

Early warning signs?

Any warning signs that could be picked up and acted on in future.


Recommendation for improvement or to remove the issue for future projects.


Actions that will be taken to implement the lesson learned.


Person who will take the action(s).


A link to the WBS ID if applicable..


The status of the lesson for example: open, in progress or closed.

Lessons Learned Log Download

Excel .xlsx download - LESSONS Learned TEMPLATE (.xlsx)

Excel .xls download - LESSONS Learned TEMPLATE (.xls)

OpenDocument Spreadsheet - LESSONS Learned TEMPLATE (.ods)

PDF download - LESSONS Learned TEMPLATE (PDF)

Project Templates to download