Drawing of Stakeholder map

Project Management Templates | FREE Downloads Word, Excel, PDF, Visio

  • Concise, focused guide that cuts through the clutter
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating a project plan in under a day
  • Master essential skills like work breakdowns and task sequencing
  • Real-world troubleshooting for 20 common scheduling challenges
  • Rapidly get up to speed if you're new to Microsoft Project
  • Includes glossary, support resources, and sample plans
The cover of the book 'Essential Microsoft Project: The 20% You Need to Know'
by | reviewed 07/03/2019

Project Startup Report template FREE

This simple, but effective report is an 'at a glance' summary of a project which can be delivered on Project Startup to any group overseeing corporate strategy for example the Company Board, Large Projects Steering Groups or Strategy Groups.

Project Startup Report template Download the template now.
The Start Up Report is a briefer version of the Project Brief or Project Charter and communicates the project description, objectives, key dates and risks. It should be completed as soon as the Project Brief/Project Charter has been approved.

Check out the contents below or Grab the template now!

Contents of the Project Start Up Report

project start up templates

Distribution and submission date
Provide a list of who will receive the report and the submission date.
General Project Information
Document the:
  • Project Name
  • organization / Customer Name
  • Project Sponsor
  • Project Manager
Project Description
Provide a brief description of the project, you might use the Business Case or Project Charter for this section.
Business Needs and Problems
Explain the reason for the project for example, what problem is it designed to solve or what benefits will it bring to your organization?
Project Baselines
Document the following baseline dates which will be used for monitoring project progress:
  • Project Start Date
  • Baseline Phase Start Date
  • Baseline Phase End Date
  • Baseline Budget
  • Project End Date
Note the business objectives that the project is designed to achieve and how each objective will be measured. This section may come from the Project Charter.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Enter the results of the Cost Benefit Analysis of each option considered for delivering the project objectives. This may come from the Business Case.
Key Constraints and /or Risks
Document the key constraints and risks faced by the project. These may come from the Project Charter

Download the Project Startup Report

Word download - FREE Project Start Up Report

PDF download - FREE Project Start Up Report