Drawing of Stakeholder map

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template | FREE Download

by | reviewed 14/11/2020
The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) shows 'who does what' on a work package or task. It is a popular tool because it shows what is expected of each member of the project team 'at a glance'. Scheduling tools like Microsoft project allow multiple resources to be linked to a task, but there is no easy way to show what each resource is expected to do - RAMs fill the gap. stakeholdermap.com
This is a FREE Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template in Excel and OpenDocument Spreadsheet. The template is fully editable with Microsoft Excel and can be converted or changed to suit your project requirements.

The template uses conditional formatting to change the color of each cell so that it is easy to see what is expected of each person on each task.

Check out how to use the template or Grab it now!
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template

How to use the RAM template

First download the template using the links below. If you have an older version of Excel you can download the .xls (2003 - 2007 compatible version). Use the OpenSpreadsheet version if you don't have Excel.

  1. Enter your project details on the first tab
  2. Open the second tab named RAM
  3. List your work packages down the left hand side (replacing Workpackage 1, 2, 3.. etc)
  4. Enter the names of your project team in the columns. Replacing Person (1,2,3..)
  5. Run down the matrix and for each work package or task identify each person involved and their responsibility for the task. A common and powerful way to do this is using RACI.
    • Responsible
    • Accountable
    • Consulted
    • Informed

What does RACI stand for?


The person(s) who does the work. At least one person should be responsible for each work package.


The person ultimately answerable for the successful completion of the work package. There should be only one person accountable for each task.


Subject-matter experts whose advice is required.


People who are informed of progress. For example, project admin, or PMO.

What alternatives are there to RACI?

There are quite a few alternatives to RACI that you might prefer to use. For example:


The 'O' is added to RACI to show people who are omitted from the task. In other works, the people who are have no involvement. This is a great as it avoids blank cells, which in my experience can cause anxiety and confusion.


Responsible is replaced with 'Driver'. I am not keen on this version, because the person who actually does the work disappears. It is probably because of this that I have seen the 'D' changed to stand for Developer e.g. on software projects or 'Doer' to make it clear who does the work.


Two letters are added to the matrix to indicate who will Verify the work package and who will sign it off (Verfication and Sign-off). The verifyer(s) check the quality of the work. The person who provides sign-off confirms that the task is completed.

Download the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template

Excel download - Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template (.xls)

Excel download - Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template (.xlsx)

OpenDocument Spreadsheet download - Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template (.ods)

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