A Vision Statement is a concise, but compelling description of the new capabilities and benefits that will result from the delivery of a project or program. stakeholdermap.comYou need a clear Vision of what you want to achieve for a program or project to be successful. Use this FREE Template to capture and communicate the goals and Vision for your programme.
This is a FREE Vision Statement Template in Word and PDF. The template is fully editable with Word and can be converted or changed to suit your requirements.
See what is in the Template! Check out the a Contents complete with "Hints and Tips" on how to use.
Check out the contents below or Grab the template now!
The contents of the Vision Statement Template
Field Description and Tips to Complete
Program or Project Name
Enter the name of your Program or Project.
Version control
Enter the version number of the training plan, for example 0.1, 0.2 etc for drafts and 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc for each version that is released. Include a description of the change, who made the modification and the date of the change.
Related Documents
List out any related documents, for example if the Vision Statement refers to a strategy document note the document's title, description and location here.
Distribution and Approvals
In this section enter the Name and Role of each person who will approve the Vision Statement. Ideally each person will sign and date the vision statement once they have approved either by signing a paper copy or by using an electronic signature.
Explain the purpose of the vision statement. You can use the wording below:
This document is designed to communicate the end goal of the Programme. It encapsulates our understanding of the [company name] current and future business requirements. It will form the basis for the outcomes and delivered benefits for the programme.
This document is designed to communicate the end goal of the Programme. It encapsulates our understanding of the [company name] current and future business requirements. It will form the basis for the outcomes and delivered benefits for the programme.
Business Context (Current State)
Provide an overview of the current state of the companies business. This might be supported by an organization chart.
Business Goals
Document the goals that the company wants to achieve.
Program or Project Vision (Future State)
Describe how the companies organization will look, feel, operate, respond once their vision is achieved. This can be thought of as an artists impression of the desired future state. For example:
X Company will be the world leader in fashion retail. Seen as a trailblazer in both innovation and design they lead the world in quality affordable fashion. Their staff are highly knowledgeable and highly loyal. Their award winning customer service department is recognized as a the best of breed and their COO is regularly requested to speak at conferences and seminars within the industry.
X Company will be the world leader in fashion retail. Seen as a trailblazer in both innovation and design they lead the world in quality affordable fashion. Their staff are highly knowledgeable and highly loyal. Their award winning customer service department is recognized as a the best of breed and their COO is regularly requested to speak at conferences and seminars within the industry.
Constraints and Limitations
Exclusions or constraints that will apply to this program of work e.g. x 3rd party systems must be in place, product upgrades must be completed etc.
High Level Program Scope
A high level view of what the program may deliver. If possible a deliverable or project list.
Vision Statement Template
Word download - Vision Statement TEMPLATE (.doc)
Word download - Vision Statement TEMPLATE (.docx)
PDF download - Vision Statement TEMPLATE (PDF)
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