Questions for assessing stakeholder importance/legitimacy
- How much influence does the stakeholder have?
- Is the stakeholder more or less influential in certain areas/capacities?
- Do they have legal rights?
- How could they hinder us?
- Have we come across the stakeholder before? What was their involvement/status?
- What responsibilities do we have to this stakeholder?
- What are the stakes for this stakeholder?
Questions for stakeholder motivation
- What are the stakeholder's expectations?
- What exactly is the stakeholder's interest?
- What are they interested in?
- What are they expecting to gain?
- What are their concerns?
Questions to help develop a stakeholder engagement strategy
- What does this stakeholder need?
- What would be quick wins for this stakeholder?
- What are their long term issues/concerns?
- What actions could we take to address the stakeholders concerns?
- What would be a win/win outcome for us/our business and this stakeholder?
Stakeholder Analysis Questions - References
Bucholtz, A. K. and Carroll, A. B. 2012. Business and Society , Ethics and Stakeholder Management. 8th edition. South-Western. Cengage Learning. Latest edition.Young, T. L. 2013. Successful Project Management (Creating Success), 4th Edition. Kogan Page. 2016. Stakeholder Management Templates. Blank Mapping Template and Basic Stakeholder Analysis Template. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 February 2016].
Read more on Stakeholder Analysis
- Stakeholder analysis templates in Word, Visio and Excel.
- Basic Stakeholder Analysis Method
- BPM Stakeholder Analysis
- Career Stakeholder Analysis
- Stakeholder Analysis - keeping stakeholders happy
- Stakeholder Analysis example
- Stakeholder Analysis Keyplayers
- Stakeholder Salience
- Stakeholder Analysis Software
- Stakeholder Analysis Video