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Procurement Management Plan template | FREE Download

by | reviewed 02/02/2023
In the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) the procurement management plan is part of the project management plan. It sets out how all areas of procurement will be managed during the project.stakeholdermap.com
The procurement management plan includes:
  • Procurement process flows
  • Contract types
  • Procurement risks
  • Milestones in the procurement process
  • Legal jurisdiction and currency

This is a FREE Procurement Management Plan Template in Word and PDF. The template is fully editable with Microsoft Word and can be converted or changed to suit your project requirements.

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The contents of the Procurement Management Plan Template


Project details and document control

Provide information on the project and document:
  • Project Name and Reference
  • Document information: ID, owner, issue date, last saved date, file name or path
  • Document history: version, issue date, changes.
  • Document approvals: role, name, signature, date

Procurement Design and Processes

Describe how the goods and services for the project will be purchased, this could include a flow chart. For example:

The supplier of the core product will be chosen via a tendering process. The requirements will form the backbone of an RFP, which will be sent to suppliers recommended by Gartner. The successful response will move to a SOW with time and material being the preferred contract type.

Wherever possible internal resources will be used. Credit cards can be used for one off items below 1.5k e.g. venues, food, printing.

One month post project go live the supplier and product will move into BAU with performance any non-compliance issues managed by the Contract and Supplier Management team.

Procurement Process

Include a description or flow diagram of your procurement process. For example:
Example of a procurement process

Contract types

Describe the types of contracts that will be used during the project. For example, firm fixed price, fixed price incentive fee, cost plus, milestone payments, time and materials.

Procurement and contract risks

Document the procurement and contract risks. For example, inability of vendors to meet requirements, RFP submission errors, procurement system failure and/or poor evaluation process. You could use a table like the one below:
Example procurement and contract risks table

Procurement milestones

List the procurement milestones. For example, requirements completion, RFP’s sent, RFP submission deadline, evaluation completion. You could use a table like the one below.
example procurement milestones

Integration of Procurement Activities

Describe how the supplier’s activities will integrate with the project scope, schedule, risk management, documentation, and reporting. For example:
Example integration of project scope in the procurement management plan

Performance metrics

Include the metrics that will be used in managing and evaluating the suppliers and contracts. Here are some examples of performance metrics:
  • Quantity ordered vs quantity received.
  • Delivery on time.
  • Ordered price versus invoiced price.
  • Percentage of units/tests failing inspection vs. total inspected units/tests.
  • Returns rate metrics.
  • Order fill rate metrics.
  • Lead-time variance metrics.
  • Software downtime.

Roles, responsbilities and sign-off authorities

Document the role and responsibilities of the people involved in procurement, including how much spend they can approve. An example is below:
Example of procurement roles and responsbilities

Assumptions and constraints

Note any procurement assumptions that will be made, along with any constraints. For example:

It is assumed that day-to-day equipment and services for the running of the project will be available through existing provision. For example, office space or working from home space, wifi, stationary, laptops, online document repository, scheduling software, Microsoft Office or compatible equivalent, projectors, printers, teleconferencing and video conferencing services.

Legal jurisdiction and currency

State which location has legal jurisdiction and which currency will be used. For example, European Union (Euro) or US (USD).

Independent estimates

For some projects, the cost estimates are reviewed and validated by an independent team.

If independent estimates are going to be used explain who will be responsible for the estimates, the process, and the timeline.

Prequalified sellers

List any prequalified sellers that will be used on the project.
Scroll down to download this template in Word, PDF and OpenDocument Text.

Procurement Management Plan Template

Procurement Management Plan Template (Word .doc)

Procurement Management Plan Template (Word .docx)

Procurement Management Plan Template (PDF)

Procurement Management Plan Template (.odt)


Institute, P.M. (2017) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. 6th edn. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

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